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Tsinghua High School Alumni Association held 2018 Yuanmingyuan Walking activity

Release time: 2018-05-06 Author: Tsinghua High School Hits:

Tsinghua High School Alumni Association held 2018 Yuanmingyuan Walking activity

On the morning of May 6th, the Alumni Association of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held the "I have worked for the health of the Motherland for 50 years" - 2018 Yuanmingyuan Walking Activity, with a total of 150 alumni representatives from all grades participating。Tsinghua High School Alumni Association deputy Secretary-General Wang Yingmin, Sun Donglin participated in this activity。

Gather at the east gate of the Old Summer Palace

Group photo of alumni before departure

At 8 am, everyone came to the east gate of the Old Summer Palace。The route of this activity is the East gate of the Old Summer Palace - Kyushu - Fuhai - the South gate of the Old Summer Palace。The alumni took pictures of the beautiful scenery along the way and recorded the happiness of exercising with everyone。This event is one of the many traditional activities of the Alumni Association, which has been maintained for many years, and is welcomed by the majority of alumni at all levels。In the spring season of birds and flowers into the nature, with many friends and relatives in the warm sunshine, stroll the lake, enjoy the beautiful scenery, take photos, talk about life。

Brisk walking

Walking by the lake

Take a group photo in front of the site

Alumni choir group photo

Junior 64 alumni arrived at Fuhai Scenic Spot

Group photo along the way

Group photo along the way

Memories of yesterday, we cherish, because yesterday left our youth footprints and figure;Together today, we doubly remember, because today added sincere friendship and nostalgia;Looking forward to tomorrow, we are full of confidence, we have a hundred years of glorious tradition and precious spiritual wealth。Heaven, the gentleman self-improvement;The terrain is kun, the gentleman is virtuous。Let us remember the school motto and forge ahead!

The Old Summer Palace scenic spot walking group photo

Large group photo

Tsinghua High School Alumni Association advocates the concept of lifelong sports, improve the quality of life through sports, and show the spirit of the High School through sports!Have a strong body and make a greater contribution to the society。The Alumni Association will hold themed activities every month to gather alumni resources, expand the influence of the Alma mater, and jointly contribute to the future development of Tsinghua High School。

Text: Sun Donglin

Photo: Alumni representatives of each grade

Review: Xie Juzhao Wang Yingmin

Edit: Administrative Management Center

时间:2018-05-06 15:00

Source: Alumni Association

Author: Tsinghua High School

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