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Tsinghua High School held a symposium in memory of President Wan Bonru

Release time: 2015-06-10 Author: Sun Donglin, Chen Yuyan Hits:

Tsinghua High School held a symposium in memory of President Wan Bonru

On the morning of June 10, a series of commemorative activities for the centennial anniversary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University - a symposium to remember President Wan Bangru was held in the multi-function Hall。Wan Bangru's family representatives Wan Jun and Xu Haiyan,President Wang Dianjun, Party Secretary Fang Yan, Vice President Shi Ping, Du Yuzhen, Xie Juzhao, Zhao Hongyan, Deputy Secretary Zhang Jie;Senior representatives Han Jiaao, Feng Qingyan, Yang Jinguang, Shen Zhenji, Yang Disheng;Old teachers represented by Feng Yuzhong, Yan Jiazhen, Chen Shuxiang;As well as the centennial celebration office, alumni association, school Youth League committee, student Union and other representatives of teachers and students, alumni representatives of each grade,A total of more than 80 people participated in the memorial forum。The symposium was presided over by Mr. Wang Yingmin, the centennial Celebration Office。

Guest sign in

Wang Yingmin chaired the symposium

On June 10, the morning of the sky under the drizzle, not only did not affect the enthusiasm of the guests to return to school to participate in the activity, but also inspired everyone's memory of the president of Wanbangru, many years of more than 80 years of old leaders came to participate in the memorial activities。At 9 am, Wang Yingmin announced the official start of the symposium. First of all, all guests were invited to stand up and observe a minute of silence to the respected President Wan Bonru。After mourning, he introduced the leaders and guest representatives to the participants respectively。

All rose to observe a minute's silence for President Van Bonjour

Wanbangru president's son Wan Jun as the family representative,More than 2 million books collected by the president were donated to the school,A total of about 1,000 books were donated with previous donations,In addition, more than 800 precious photographs were donated,Certificates, MEDALS, diaries, manuscripts, tapes and other physical materials,Wang Dianjun and Fang Yan accepted the donation on behalf of the school。

Wang Dianjun (1st from right) and Fang Yan (1st from left) receive donations from Wan Jun (middle)

In order to thank Wan Jun and his family for their generous donations, the university Council decided to award Wan Jun the title of honorary alumni of Tsinghua High School。At the forum, Wang Dianjun presented Wan Jun with a donation certificate and a commemorative certificate of honorary alumni。Subsequently, the guests and alumni watched Wanbangru's video materials preserved by the school, which were carefully produced by the Centennial Celebration Office and the Alumni Association, and jointly remembered his touching story of dedicating his life to the education cause of the motherland。

Wang Dianjun (1st from right) presents an honorary Alumni Certificate to Wan Jun (2nd from right) of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University

The attendees watched the video materials of Banjo kept by the school

The forum entered the speech stage, and Wang Dianjun, on behalf of the university, delivered a welcome speech to the guests and alumni。In his speech, he mentioned that this year is the 23rd anniversary of the death of President Wan Bangru, and also the centennial anniversary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University. Today, we gather here to remember our mentor, President Wan Bangru, and review the arduous road of running a school led by President Wan Bangru for more than 30 years, as well as his educational thought and personality style。He devoted his whole life to the education cause of Tsinghua Affiliated High School and the Party, he devoted himself to the construction of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, and left a lot of good ideas and experience in running schools。Every step of the school's development is inseparable from the hard work of predecessors and the support and contribution of alumni。He wished all senior leaders, senior teachers and alumni good health and happiness。And invite you to come back to school again to witness the new centennial glory of the High School!

President Wang Dianjun delivered a welcome speech

Afterwards, the senior leaders, senior teachers and alumni representatives of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University made speeches successively, recalling the little bits and pieces of Wan Bangru's tenure as the president of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, and expressing their nostalgia for Wan。During the meeting, all the school leaders, alumni representatives and guest representatives took a group photo in front of the background board outside the venue。

Han Jiaao, former president of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, recalled the experience of working with President Wan Bangru,He highlighted several points about President Van Bonjour that we should learn from,First, his sense of responsibility and dedication to the cause of education;Second, he is good at combining the instructions of superior leaders with reality,To carry out pioneering work;Third, he had lofty revolutionary sentiments,Like a fire to inspire the teachers and students。Comrade Wan Bangru devoted his whole life to the development of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, even when he was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, he still cared about the development of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, and his spirit should be passed on forever。

Han Jiaao spoke

Yang Jinguang, former president of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, recalled that President Wan was a respected educator who trained generation after generation of outstanding talents.He is forward-looking, and he proposed that the construction of experimental buildings should not lag behind for 20 years。He was a vital educator who remained committed to the development of the school during his illness。President Wan proposed to build a national first-class Tsinghua Affiliated High School, to build a world famous Tsinghua Affiliated High School is being realized。

Yang Jinguang speaks

Yang Disheng, former vice president of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, said that the High school attached to Tsinghua University is the life of President Wan。Early 1960s,President Wan led us to build the main building of today's teaching building,Working late every night,When your body is bloated with hunger,Keep practicing,Make sure to build the playground for the students,At that time the playground was driven out by baskets of cinder,Wan headmaster encouraged the Communist Youth League members on the runway,And take the lead in running on the playground,The slogan of "50 years of health work for the motherland" put forward by President Jiang Nanxiang of Tsinghua University was thoroughly implemented,Actively implement。

Yang polyester Sheng speech

Feng Qingyan, secretary of the Central Plains Party Committee of Tsinghua University, refined President Wan's thoughts into four points: do not pursue the rate of promotion, but seek the rate of talent;First of all, we must lay a good foundation for being a man;Explore two channels to educate people;Lead the school with educational thought。

Feng Qingyan spoke

Feng Yuzhong, the senior teacher representative of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, made a speech, and he especially introduced the principal Wan's 30 years of work in the high School attached to Tsinghua University, always pay attention to the ideological education of students, he summed it up as three points: middle school education should cultivate people;Aim high in middle school;Remember to give back when you grow up。

Feng Yuzhong spoke

Yan Jiazhen, the senior teacher representative of Tsinghua High School, recalled that President Wan asked teachers not to be teachers, but to be educators。In addition to classroom teaching and class work, teachers are required to tutor extra-curricular activities and conduct educational research。She was encouraged to use the ruins of the Old Summer Palace to educate students on patriotism。

Yan Jiazhen spoke

Chen Shuxiang, the senior teacher representative of Tsinghua High School, recalled the process of building the playground with the teachers and students of the whole school, as well as the care for personal families。

Chen Shuxiang spoke

Zheng Xiangshen alumni representative of the class affectionately recited a long poem in memory of President Wan, every word is full of reverence and love for President Wan。'I have spent six years in the High school and witnessed its glory,' he said. 'The memories of the past are still in my eyes.。

Zheng Xiangshen spoke

Wang Sunyu alumni talked about the education of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and President Wan impressed me deeply. President Wan encouraged students to develop in an all-round way and paid special attention to sports work. In order to improve students' physical fitness and performance, he also hired teachers specializing in physical education, which laid the foundation for the brilliant sports performance of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University。President Wan is an excellent teacher, a national model president, and an outstanding representative of educators in practice. President Wan's name is closely associated with Tsinghua High School。

Wang Sunyu spoke

Choi Eun-ching alumni also affectionately recalled the time of acquaintance with President Wan,I studied and lived in the Affiliated High School for three years,The style of President Wan is deeply reflected in my heart,The longer time goes by,The deeper the impression is,This is the charm of President Wan's personality!President Wan has a pragmatic and confident spirit,Aspiring to run a first-class school concept and pride!The spirit of President Wan is always here!

Choi Eun-kyung spoke

Fu E alumni talked about President Wan's educational ideology of comprehensive education, which enhanced students' physical quality, improved students' literary and artistic literacy, deeply influenced generations of students in the High School, and also benefited me in my work and life. President Wan will always live in my heart!

Fu E's speech

Cao Shuying alumnus talked about President Wan with a thousand feelings, several choked, President Wan of her rural students from the suburbs and counties care and love, so that she will never forget, miss the feeling has been integrated into the blood, President Wan has students, the cause of education hot feelings, you will always live in the hearts of students!

Cao Shuying spoke

Gao Jili alumni recalled that President Wan once told me with great pride that he would devote himself to the work of the alumni Association after retirement。He said that the alumni association should set up several companies, accumulate enough funds, and then set up a foundation to help students in difficulties or difficulties in life。President Wan really dedicated his everything to the Affiliated High School without reservation. President Wan's spirit will always be in our hearts!

Gao Jili spoke

All participants took a big photo

After the symposium, all the participants came to the monument of Banjou to bow in tribute and offer flowers。

Participants laid flowers in front of President Wan's monument

This year is the centennial year of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, and a series of commemorative activities have been or will be held to sum up the centennial experience, carefully sort out the centennial history, recall the friendship of teachers, review the friendship of alumni, and build a centennial friendship together。This symposium is one of the series of commemorative activities for the centenary of the school。

Resume of President Van Bonru:

Born in Meishan County, Sichuan Province in 1928, he entered the history department of Tsinghua University in 1948 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1949。He was the principal of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University in 1960 and died of a heart attack in 1992。In September 1993, he was recognized as "National Excellent Principal" by the State Education Commission.。President Wan Bangru's life for the Tsinghua High School, and even the whole country's basic education research left a precious wealth, after his death, his ashes were buried in the campus of Tsinghua High School newly planted under the pine tree。

Photography is by Zhou Ling and Shi Jiadong

Audit: Xie Juzhao

Wang Yingmin

Sun Dapeng

Edit: Archives Room

时间:2015-06-10 16:44

Source: School Celebration Office

Author: Sun Donglin, Chen Yuyan

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