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The High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a press conference on the 100-day countdown to the 100th anniversary of the university

Release time: 2015-07-09 Author: Sun Donglin Hits:

The High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a press conference on the 100-day countdown to the 100th anniversary of the university

July 9, 10 a.m,The High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a press conference on the 100-day countdown to the 100th anniversary of the university,About 180 people attended the event, including Jiang Shengyao, Vice President of Tsinghua University, all school leaders and executive presidents of each branch school, guests of Centennial donation, representatives of alumni conveners of each grade, Centennial Celebration Office and alumni Association staff。The press conference was presided over by Xie Juzhao, Vice President of Tsinghua High School。

The 100-day countdown to the 100th anniversary of the university was hosted by Vice President Xie Juzhao

Wang Dianjun, spokesperson and President of Tsinghua High School, delivered a speech and announced the arrangement of centennial celebration activities。President Wang introduced the specific preparations for the centennial celebration in detail from three aspects: the centennial Anniversary, the centennial anniversary and the centennial Call。据悉,October 17, 2015 is the centennial anniversary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University,Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of The State Council, alumnus of Class 612 of Tsinghua High School,On July 4 and November 30, 2014, he returned to his Alma mater Tsinghua High School for inspection and research,I care deeply about the development of my Alma mater,To support the work of the Alumni Association of Tsinghua High School,And put forward the guiding spirit of "grand and frugal" to prepare the centennial celebration,School anniversary day,The High School Attached to Tsinghua University will hold four themed activities,They are: the centennial celebration conference, the centennial celebration series exhibition, the centennial celebration performance, and the basic education Summit Forum。

Wang Dianjun, spokesperson and President of Tsinghua High School, delivered a speech on the centennial anniversary

In the process of preparing for the centennial celebration of Tsinghua High School, the commemorative project has received strong support from all walks of life and alumni. On the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the centennial anniversary, Tsinghua High School issued a certificate of honor to the Centennial project donors。会上,Jiang Shengyao, vice president of Tsinghua University, Wang Dianjun, President of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, and Fang Yan, Party secretary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, respectively presented to Huang Yifeng, vice president of Qingkeng Science and Technology Holdings Co., LTD,Xinqiao United Holding Co., LTD. Chairman Li Ran, president Shi Jinshan,Li Yuanjing, Vice president of Nuctech Co., LTD., alumnus of Tsinghua High School Affiliated to 80,Liu Yabin, a 71-grade alumnus of Tsinghua Affiliated High School,Senior Class 612 alumni Yao Baolun, Jiang Jingyi,Mr. Wan Bangru's son Wan Jun, Mr. Wu Chenglu's daughter Wu Yi, Mr. Wang Yutian's student Chen Feng (on behalf of Mr. Dong Yuying),The High School Attached to Tsinghua University, Chaoyang School, Shangdi School, Yongfeng School, Qinhan School and Fengtai School presented certificates of honor and flowers to express their gratitude。

Huang Yifeng, vice president of Qingkong Science and Technology Holding Co., LTD

Xinqiao United Holding Co., LTD. Chairman Li Ran, president Shi Jinshan

Junior 71 alumni Liu Yabin, Vice President of Nuctech Technology Co., LTD., Senior 80 alumni Li Yuanjing, Senior 612 alumni Yao Baolun, Jiang Jingyi

Tsinghua Affiliated High School President Wan Bangru's son Wan Jun, Teacher Wu Chenglu's daughter Wu Yi, Teacher Wang Yutian's student (on behalf of Teacher Dong Yuying) Chen Feng

Qin Hongming, Executive Principal of Chaoyang School, Xin Ying, Executive Principal of Shangdi School, Meng Weidong, Executive Principal of Yongfeng School, Xu Haiying, Executive principal of Qinhan School, Chen Hong, Executive Principal of Fengtai School

The centennial celebration is a festival for the vast number of alumni. In order to more widely contact alumni and facilitate the exchange between alumni and their Alma mater, the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua has established the alumni convener system and gradually improved the alumni information management system。In preparation for the centennial,Alumni convenors of all grades are devoted,Take the trouble,Volunteer service,They have extensive contacts with alumni of the year,Support school celebration activities,Actively submit old photos old objects old information,Assist the alumni Association in sorting out historical archive data,Develop alumni information management system,Development of Tsinghua High School APP,Tsinghua High School issued honorary certificates to alumni conveners of all grades。

President Wang Dianjun (1st from right) and Party Secretary Fang Yan (1st from left) of Tsinghua High School presented certificates of honor to representatives of alumni convenors of each grade

Song Jian, professor of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University and alumnus of Grade 79 and Grade 82 of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, spoke on behalf of all alumni and thanked his Alma mater on behalf of all alumni。

Song Jian, an alumnus of Grade 79 and Grade 82 of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, spoke as a representative of the alumni

Jiang Shengyao, Vice President of Tsinghua University, delivered a speech,He fully affirmed the preparatory work for the centennial anniversary of Tsinghua High School,He says,"Walked into the affiliated High school campus,Immediately felt the warm atmosphere of the centennial celebration of Tsinghua High School,The preparatory work for the centennial celebration of Affiliated High School is progressing in an orderly manner,Congratulations to the alumni of Tsinghua High School for their achievements,Thank you for the honor you have earned for your Alma mater,Thanks to the community for the care and support of Tsinghua High School,I wish the High School Attached to Tsinghua University more and more success,The centennial celebration is a complete success!"therewith,He announced that "Tsinghua Affiliated High School Centennial celebration network" was officially launched。

Jiang Shengyao, Vice President of Tsinghua University, delivered a speech and announced the official launch of the Centennial celebration website of Tsinghua Affiliated High School

Jiang Shengyao, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Wang Dianjun, President of Tsinghua High School, Fang Yan, Party Secretary, Xu Chongyuan, honorary alumnus Wan Jun, distinguished alumnus representative Song Jian, Vice President of Qingkong Technology Innovation Huang Yifeng, and Chairman of Xinqiao United Holdings Co., LTD. Li Ran jointly unveiled the countdown plate for the centennial anniversary of Tsinghua High School。

The guests jointly unveiled the countdown plate for the centennial anniversary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University

The leadership of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University and all the teachers and students sincerely invite the alumni to return to the school in October to celebrate the 100th birthday of their Alma mater. We also hope that the alumni and friends from all walks of life will continue to care about and support the development of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University。Today, Tsinghua High School, holding high the banner of education innovation, all teachers based on the overall situation, facing the future, emancipating the mind, brainstorming, hard work, steady forward, with wisdom and sweat, to meet the new era of new development。

After the press conference, the participants and alumni came to the teaching center square to take a group photo, Shouting "I am Tsinghua Affiliated High School", the scene was warm and touching!

All participants took a group photo after the event

Audit: Xie Juzhao

Wang Yingmin

Sun Dapeng

Photography is by Gao Min and Zhou Ling

Edit: Archives Room

时间:2015-07-09 15:37

Source: School Celebration Office

Author: Sun Donglin

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