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The documentary film team of the centennial Celebration of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University visited Wang Mo, a centenarian teacher

Release time: 2015-07-23 Author: admin Hits:

The documentary film team of the centennial Celebration of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University visited Wang Mo, a centenarian teacher

On the morning of July 22, 2015, Wang Yingmin, deputy director of the Centenary Celebration Office, and the centenary documentary film crew visited Wang Mo, a centenarian teacher, at home。Mr. Wang Mo is healthy, with a clear mind and a sense of humor. He still exercises and speaks English every day。After seeing the teacher Wang Yingmin who had worked together, Mr. Wang Mo said with emotion, "We are all affiliated to Tsinghua University.。I never forget it, I like it very much, you are still a young person, are very capable, I believe that Tsinghua High School will do better and better, for our country to cultivate more outstanding talents。Wang Mo teacher and Wang Yingmin teacher talking about the teachers of the old foreign language group in the last century, each can call the name。

Picture 1 Wang Yingmin (right) presents flowers to Teacher Wang Mo (left)

Wang Yingmin sent a special gift to Teacher Wang Mo, that is, the centennial anniversary relief scroll, Teacher Wang Mo was very excited after seeing, she recalled the beginning of the school, the principal of Wan Bangru led everyone to build the main building, she also remembered that the main building relief is based on her class director of high class 634 students as the prototype。Mr. Wang Mo happily said, I came to Tsinghua University in 1954 to work in 1960 to work in the Affiliated High School, first to teach Russian, and later to teach English, my life favorite thing is teaching。

Picture 2 Wang Yingmin introduces the relief scroll for the centennial celebration to Teacher Wang Mo

Wang Yingmin asked about Ms. Wang Mo's diet and daily living, and said that she was very happy to see her physical and mental state was very good, and wished Ms. Wang Mo a happy birthday, and hoped to invite Ms. Wang Mo back to Tsinghua High School on the centennial anniversary。Teacher Wang Mo said that she must take care of her health, spend her 100th birthday with the Affiliated High school, and return to school on the 100th anniversary day。Tsinghua High School Alumni Association staff accompanied to visit。

Picture 300-year-old teacher Wang Mo

Picture 4 Wang Yingmin takes a photo with teacher Wang Mo and her daughter Zhang Ying (left)

Writing, photography, editing: Sun Donglin

Review: Xie Juzhao, Sun Dapeng, Wang Yingmin

时间:2015-07-23 17:17

Source: Unknown

Author :admin

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