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Cheng Jianping, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University, met with Tao Haisu, alumnus of Affiliated High School

Release time: 2015-05-24 Author: Sun Donglin Hits:

Cheng Jianping, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University, met with Tao Haisu, alumnus of Affiliated High School

On the afternoon of May 24, Cheng Jianping, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Wang Dianjun, president of Tsinghua High School, made a special trip to the shooting site of "I am from Tsinghua High School", a series of commemorative activities for the centennial anniversary of the High School, and met with Tao Haisu, an alumnus of Grade 62。

Cheng Jianping (2nd from right) and Wang Dianjun (1st from right) have a cordial conversation with Tao Haisu (2nd from left)

Cheng Jianping said that cultivating talents and serving society is the basic function of running a school, and it is also an important way for the development of the school。The High School attached to Tsinghua University has a good alumni base, which is generally practical and hard-working, and can do extraordinary things in ordinary posts for a long time。Actively making use of their own advantages to support the development of education in poor areas can not only serve the national strategy and fulfill their own functions, but also help teachers and students to grow up in the exchange and interaction。Many of the alumni of the Affiliated High School were in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province. They can actively use their working and living experience in Beijing and Shaanxi Province to provide valuable advice for Tsinghua University and Shaanxi Province to strengthen cooperation, and provide important support for promoting the cooperation between the Affiliated High School and Yanchuan County。

Wang Dianjun introduced the overall development of the school, especially through the reform of middle school education, adhere to the implementation of volunteer education activities, help poor areas and counties, and through the creation of the China Talent Fund to help children in poor areas to go to school related work。He said that the Affiliated High School must strengthen the contact with the majority of alumni, take Tao Haisu alumni as an example, and actively participate in the relevant work of helping the development of education in poor mountainous areas。At the same time, I also hope that Tao Haisu alumni actively contribute to the Alma mater, continue to care about and support the development of the Alma mater。

Tao Haisu fondly recalls the study and life experience in Tsinghua High School

Tao Haisu recalled the experience of studying in Tsinghua High School, the whole atmosphere of the school is to respond to "50 years of health work for the motherland", "Communist Youth League members on the runway".。He believes that the educational philosophy of Tsinghua High School includes three aspects: First,Tsinghua High School cultivates students' learning ability,The school opens the door for students to know the world as much as possible,The school library has a good collection of books,The excellent literary works I came into contact with during my study in the Affiliated High School,It had a profound effect on him,Really good learners do not die reading,Be open-minded,Take a more relaxed approach to learning,A general sentence is "less but better.,Refined and deep!"second,Tsinghua High School education is very realistic,Cultivate students free and easy。Every time the mid-term exam is due, all classrooms are closed and all activity facilities are open for students to relax。Learning is a beautiful thing, and you can only do it well if you are interested。Third, the High School attached to Tsinghua University cultivates the spirit of competition. In the school, sports stars are admired by their classmates and there are many opportunities to compete for the first place。The teachers are rigorous in learning and pay attention to cultivating students' ambition。Tsinghua Affiliated High School people should always bear in mind the school motto - "self-improvement, moral commitment", real work, unwilling to mediocrity, strive for the top。

陶海粟回忆起在陕西延川县做知青的经历,他说,1968年12月22日晚上,我在北京冰球突破豪华版网页版的操场上听到大喇叭播放了毛泽东的最新指示:“知识青年到农村去,接受贫下中农的再教育,很有必要。At that time, the assignment of our grade had not yet begun, but I signed up for the work propaganda team the next day and asked to go to Yan 'an with other grade students in advance to jump the queue。That was the beginning of my nine-year reeducation。

At that time, there were about 20,000 Beijing youth who went to Shaanxi to be educated youth, of which 200 were affiliated to Tsinghua High School. They responded to the call of the Party and actively participated in the tide of The Times of going to the countryside, and established a good reputation of "Tsinghua High School" among fellow villagers。Through the re-education of those nine years of social practice, we have cultivated our emotions with ordinary people, shaped our personalities, and made full preparations for embracing new ideas and new worlds under appropriate conditions。

Tao Haisu (1st R) at the chairman of the third Youth League Congress in Yanchuan county, Shaanxi province

Zhangjiahe Commune sent Secretary Tao Haisu (7th from the left of the second row) to the university as a souvenir

习近平总书记在《冰球突破试玩官方网站》一书中曾提到,“我的成长始于陕北,最大的收获一是懂得了什么叫实际;二是培养了我的自信心。About 1973, we concentrated on the university entrance examination, such as my family background at that time was impossible to be admitted, and later I went to Feng Jiaping Commune Zhaojiahe brigade to engage in social teaching。It was fun. I was a league member, not a party member。The secretary of the county Youth League Committee is also a Beijing educated youth, Tsinghua affiliated high School, he pulled me to the Zhaojiahe brigade he is responsible for and said: Let you go to the whole club here, you will be the whole, how the whole I have recognized。If it's fixed, it's on you. If it's broken, it's on me。”习近平总书记在书中提到的这位冰球突破豪华版网页版知青就是陶海粟校友。

Wang Dianjun (1st from right) presented flowers and took a group photo for Tao Haisu alumni (1st from left)

Sun Dapeng (left) presents the centennial badge and the main building relief scroll to Tao Haisu alumni

After the discussion, Cheng Jianping (2nd from right), Wang Dianjun (1st from right) and Tao Haisu (2nd from left) took a group photo

Tao Haisu, an alumnus of the Middle School affiliated to Tsinghua University, was the backbone author of "Mountain Flowers" with Lu Yao and Tao. He joined the team in Yanchuan County in January 1969。He was appointed Party secretary of Zhangjiahe Commune in 1973。During his term of office, he took the lead, worked hard and was loyal。In 1977, he was admitted to the Economics Department of Peking University。He is known as the eternal commune secretary of Zhangjiahe, in that turbulent era, he did extraordinary things in an ordinary post。

Audit: Xie Juzhao, Sun Dapeng

Edit: Archives Room

时间:2015-05-24 17:54

Source: School Celebration Office

Author: Sun Donglin

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