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The centennial Celebration Office of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a symposium in memory of Teacher Wang Yutian

Release time: 2015-04-12 Author: Chen Yuyan, Sun Donglin Hits:

The centennial Celebration Office of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held a symposium in memory of Teacher Wang Yutian

On the morning of April 12, the centennial celebration of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University -- a symposium to remember Mr. Wang Yutian was held in conference room G101 of the Administration Building。The symposium was spontaneously organized and participated by more than 40 alumni of the literature and art team and publicity team of the Affiliated High School in the 1960s and 1970s。Zhu Hancheng, director of the former Art Education Center of Tsinghua University, Sun Dapeng, director of the Centennial Celebration Office, Wang Wudi, teacher of the Alumni Association, Ju Hong, leader of the Music Teaching and Research group, were invited to participate in the symposium。The meeting was chaired by Director Sun Dapeng。

Alumni check-in

Alumni gathering before the symposium

Forum site

会上,Director Sun Dapeng first expressed a warm welcome to the alumni's homecoming discussion,He said that as an important figure in the history of art education at Tsinghua High School,Teacher Wang Yutian is worth remembering forever,His 35-year career in art education,Nurtured a love of music in batches,A high school student who loves art,It can be said that it created the brilliance of music education in the attached high school。Today, the old alumni of the original literature and art team gather together to remember their teacher, which is an unforgettable feeling between teachers and students。The school also wants to take this opportunity to remember those teachers who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the High School in the past century, such as Principal Wan Bangru and teacher Wu Chenglu, and will hold special symposia in the future to remember their teachers。He also briefed the alumni on the centenary of the High School and the progress of the work of the Alumni Association。He said that the centennial celebration is the most important thing is to serve alumni, and the celebration is the alumni's own festival, hoping to hold various activities to bring alumni together and add luster to the centennial birthday of the Alma mater。

Sun Dapeng, director of the Centennial Celebration Office, gave a welcome speech and introduced the centennial celebration work

Afterwards, the alumni watched the ppt carefully prepared by the staff of the Centennial Celebration Office and the Alumni Association, and remembered teacher Wang Yutian together。Seeing the photos and manuscripts of Mr. Wang Yutian, the old alumni felt infinite emotion and recalled the stories of Mr. Wang Yutian。In 1991, Mr. Wang Yutian was the author of a series of lyrics from the 35th anniversary concert host,Senior 64 alumnus Chen Derson,Fondly recalled the day of the concert;Wang Lide, an alumnus of Class 604, also told about Teacher Wang Yutian as his class teacher,The past of taking good care of students;Shi Hongmin, an alumnus of Class 641, said,Wang Yutian is full of energy, positive and enthusiastic attitude,Affected his whole life,To the students planted a beautiful seed;Head of the first art troupe of Affiliated High School,The alumni of Class 631 High School are located in Tianjin,It recalled the scene when the teacher Wang Yutian instructed the students to rehearse "Little East is Red";Xue Juming, an alumnus of Grade 58, presented the invitation card for Mr. Wang Yutian's 35th anniversary concert,And proposed: on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the school,Can be attached to the old teachers of a special collection of commemorative essays,He also donated two teachers' memorials to the school;Li Chuan, an alumnus of Class 694,The photos of teacher Wang Yutian's concert were shown,And the photos and negatives were presented to the school;Junior Class 643 alumni in Hainan,And we revisited the songs created by teacher Wang Yutian,And sing live。When the melody of memory played again, many alumni were excited and cried。In addition, many alumni also spoke actively to remember their teacher together。

Some alumni representatives spoke

Li Chuan, an alumnus of Class 694, shows old photos

Chen Feng, an alumnus of Grade 71, showed some precious materials stored elsewhere by Ms. Dong Yuying, Ms. Wang Yutian's wife: Ms. Wang Yutian's diary, speech notes, memories of serious illness in hospital, and so on。It tells the story behind the Red Detachment of Women。He took out the manuscript of a song created by teacher Wang Yutian in his student days, and said vividly, "The clever handwriting is like a child dancing, standing and walking.。He also brought you the calligraphy inscriptions received by teacher Wang Yutian during the concert, and donated some precious materials to the school。

Alumnus Chen Feng (1st from right) introduces the story behind the Red Detachment of Women commemorative photo album

Mr. Wang Yutian created manuscripts when he was a student

Alumnus Chen Feng donated relevant materials of teacher Wang Yutian

Ms. Ju Hong, the leader of the music teaching and research group, asked the alumni for their opinions on the school anniversary performance, and she said that the performances of "Little Oriental Red" and "Red Detachment of Women" guided by Ms. Wang Yutian were very successful and had a far-reaching impact。The art performance of the centennial celebration also hopes to reproduce the brilliance of the time, and I hope that alumni can actively participate in the forum and collect the music of the celebration performance from alumni representatives。

Ms. Ju Hong of the Music Group of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University solicited the alumni representatives for the school anniversary performance

After the meeting, all the participants came to the front of the main teaching building to take a group photo. They left each other the latest communication information, said goodbye to each other reluctantly, and expressed their willingness to contact more students around them to return to school, actively organize and participate in similar activities held by the school, and get together again in the golden Autumn October centennial day!

Old members of the Red Detachment of women

Post-meeting group photo

This symposium,It has been strongly supported by Bai Xuefeng, director of the Student Development Center, and the Student Public Welfare Club,High 1409 Li Jiarui,High 1410 XIE Yanbo, ZHOU Xiaoyu,High 1309 level,High 1308 warm to Europe,Gao 1311 Li Ding participated in this activity as a student volunteer,They all said,This homecoming celebration,Let them know the alumni's boxing feelings towards their Alma mater and teacher,Benefit a lot。

The Centennial Celebration Office and Alumni Association of Tsinghua High School will hold a series of commemorative activities such as "Remembering the Teacher" to mobilize the majority of alumni to pay attention to and actively participate in the centennial celebration activities of their Alma mater。Miss teachers, summarize the experience of Tsinghua High School, and lay the foundation for the training of leaders in the new century。

Photography: Li Jiarui, Li Ding,

Lu Zhiping

Review: Dapeng Sun

Edit: Archives Room

时间:2015-04-12 15:04

Source: Centennial Celebration Office

Author: Chen Yuyan, Sun Donglin

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