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Tsinghua High School leaders receive senior 81 alumni representing the school

Release time: 2014-03-19 Author: Sun Donglin Hits:

Tsinghua High School leaders receive senior 81 alumni representing the school

On the morning of March 19th,Tsinghua High School 81 alumni representatives of 6 people came to Tsinghua High School,The preparation of the 30th anniversary Celebration of Senior 81 graduation was reported to the leaders of the High School attached to Tsinghua University,Fang Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, attended the briefing on behalf of the school leaders,Also attending the event was Wang Yingmin, Vice President of the International Department of Tsinghua High School,Deputy Director of the school office, Director of the school Celebration Office Sun Dapeng and all the staff of the school Celebration Office。

As the chairman of the organizing committee of "30th Anniversary Celebration of Senior 81 Graduation",Bi Xiaoyang, a senior 81 alumnus who is now the chairman of Meige Bilingual Kindergarten,In the speech, I hope to take advantage of the opportunity of the 100th anniversary of the Alma mater,Bringing alumni from all over the world back to their Alma mater,Get close to your Alma mater,I would like to share with you the situation of teachers and students in that year。Luan Lin, the secretary general of the organizing committee, introduced the preparations for the 30th anniversary celebration of Senior 81 graduation. The planned activities include: interviews with old teachers and alumni;Design and publication of the commemorative book "Thirty Years in Zannitz";In late June, the 30th anniversary celebration conference and retrospective exhibition of alumni were held in the Affiliated High School。Sun Dapeng, deputy director of the School Office and Director of the School Celebration Office, introduced the current preparations for the centennial celebration and the preparations for the Alumni Association of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University to the alumni representatives. The alumni expressed their willingness to actively participate in all related activities of the Centennial Celebration。

Fang Yan, secretary of the Party Committee of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University, listens to the report of alumni,Put forward three hopes and expectations: First, the alumni return to the school,Visit my former teacher,It is the recognition of teachers' value, profession and dignity.Second, the alumni are returning to school to take the centennial as an opportunity,Set an excellent example for the teachers and students of Tsinghua Affiliated High School through various forms,The power of example is infinite,Encourage teachers and students to continue to work hard;The alumni have a homecoming party after the 30th anniversary of graduation,It should be reinvigorated and relaunched,Rekindle the passion of youth struggle,Strive to be the elite and leader of all walks of life,Motivate yourself,Continue to contribute to the country and society,Continue to strive for the Alma mater to win honor,Create your own extraordinary life,Face the future with more courage and confidence。

Wang Yingmin, vice president of the International Department and former English teacher, said, "Passing on the torch is a kind of spirit, a kind of gratitude, a kind of inheritance, and this value will have a huge positive impact on a student's life.。It is with their strong personality charm, spiritual tradition and Tsinghua style that the teachers of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua influence a batch of students."。He put forward the call of "monitor to make a bond" to the senior 81 alumni, and tapped and mobilized more alumni to participate。

After the briefing, the alumni representatives took photos with the school leaders and visited the teaching building, conference room, basketball hall, stadium and other facilities of the Affiliated High School。

冰球突破豪华版网页版高81级是冰球突破豪华版网页版文革后第一年参加小升初北京统考选拔,又经过初升高北京市统考选拔,第一届三年制高中考大学。In 1984, he was admitted to a key university with an excellent score of 100%。It became a wonderful moment in the history of Tsinghua High School。They are also the beneficiaries of the educational reform after the Cultural Revolution, but also the participants and witnesses of the reform and opening up for 30 years, and now they are in the prime of life。Practicing the oath of Tsinghua to work for the health of the motherland for 50 years。

Party Secretary Fang Yan and alumni representatives (first from left)

Post-meeting group photo

Sun Dapeng, Deputy Director of the School Office and Director of the School Celebration Office, leads the alumni to visit the campus (second from right)

时间:2014-03-19 16:37

Source: Tsinghua High School Celebration Office

Author: Sun Donglin

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