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Go to the rivers and mountains and know and do -- the research activities of the Junior 23 Department of Tsinghua High School

Release Time: 2024-07-12 Author: Hits:

From July 8 to 12, 2024, all the teachers and students of the Junior 23 Division of Tsinghua High School went to different parts of China to carry out research activities。The whole department flexibly organized and "divided into four roads" -- the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua Affiliated High School, Ms. Zhang Jie and Ms. Zhao Qiong led four classes to Suzhou and Shanghai.High School attached to Tsinghua UniversityMr. Wei Lei and Mr. Zheng Xuan, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, led four classes to Datong.High School attached to Tsinghua UniversityMs. Zhang Su, Vice principal, and Ms. Zhou Xiaoling, deputy Director of Junior 23 Division, led three classes to Xi 'an, and Ms. Zhang Xiaoqiong, director of Junior 23 Division, led five classes to Hangzhou and Jiaxing。

Suhu line: Gusu ancient city to find the ancient style, Shanghai magic are visiting science workers

Under the leadership of Ms. Zhang Jie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua High School, the teachers and students of Junior 23 Department went to Suzhou and Shanghai for further study。

Gusu ancient city looking for ancient style。The study group entered the Humble Administrator's Garden, which is "recreating the universe within a few feet",Learn the four-step method of appreciating gardens,Deeply feel the spiritual home of the garden owner;Come to the garden of true fun,Enjoy the classic Kunqu songs "Garden Tour" and "Amazing Dream",Drawing Kunqu opera dolls by hand;Walk around Mudu Ancient Town,Understand the ancient imperial examination system,Experience the charm of Suzhou embroidery together。The scenic scenery, physical culture and Suzhou trip aroused students' keen interest in "intangible cultural heritage"。

Shanghai magic city to visit science workers。Teachers and students visited the site of the Great Congress of the Communist Party of China together, inherited the spirit of founding the Party, and kept in mind the original mission。

Shanghai also shows the technological power of an international metropolis。Students visited the high-end intelligent manufacturers of the automobile industry, the first generation of aerospace ocean surveying ship "Yuanwang", Hongqiao West Beidou base, walked into the factory, aboard the giant ship, listened to lectures, hands-on practice, and planted a seed of "science and technology power" in the bottom of their hearts。

Datong Line: Explore the treasures of ancient architecture, all in the Saiwai Datong

Enjoy the wonders。In the morning of July 8, under the leadership of Mr. Wei Lei, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Tsinghua High School, the research group climbed the ancient city wall of Datong in the morning to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancient city。In the afternoon, I went to Datong Volcanic Group National Geological Park to explore the formation principle of volcanoes, draw volcanic profiles, and collect volcanic soil。In the evening, the research group conducted an experiment on the pH of volcanic soil in the conference room。

Pinyun。The study group went to Yingxian Wooden Tower to experience the skills of dougong and feel the beauty of ancient Chinese architecture。In the afternoon, I visited Xuankong Temple to learn about its architectural wonders。In the evening, the research group studied Dougong in the conference room。

Realize humanity。The study group first visited the memorial hall of Datong Coal Mine mass grave site and held a memorial ceremony to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs。Then I went to Yungang Grottoes to enjoy the art of Northern Wei grottoes。In the afternoon, I visited Datong Museum to explore the cultural origin。In the evening, the study group studied fresco restoration together。

On the last day of the study, the study group learned coal knowledge and experienced the life of miners in Jinhuagong National Mining Park。In the afternoon, I returned to Beijing by high-speed train, and successfully ended the journey of Datong study。

Xi 'an Line: Through Chang 'an to explore the ancient and modern, walking Guanzhong to find science and technology

Under the leadership of Mr. Zhang Su, Vice President of Tsinghua High School,A trip to Xi 'anWith the theme of "Exploring the ancient and modern through Chang 'an, walking through Guanzhong to find science and technology", it has practiced a rich itinerary covering history, culture and modern science and technology。

The course allows students to experience the glorious history and culture of the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties by visiting the Xi 'an Museum, the Little Wild Geese Pagoda and the ruins of Daming Palace。

At the same time, the visit of modern scientific and technological places such as the Flying Dream Aviation Experience base and the National Timing Center allows students to feel the charm of wisdom and the mystery of time。

The course focuses on group cooperation and inquiry learning, and stimulates students' learning interest and teamwork ability through hand-making and experiential activities。This trip is not only a journey of history and culture, but also a journey of exploring the perfect combination of science and technology and humanity。

Hangjia Line: Decoding Jiangnan culture, exploring future technology

Under the leadership of Teacher Zhang Xiaoqiong, Director of the Department, the teachers and students of Grade 23, who went to Hangzhou and Jiaxing, experienced the West Lake culture, Liangzhu culture, silk culture and tea culture in a few days, and felt the unique charm of the two cities。

Boating on the West Lake, the students enjoyed the "Ten views of the West Lake" under the vivid explanation of the guide teacher, and had a deeper understanding and perception of each scenic spot。In the poem gallery of the Temple of Yue Wang, the students also recited "Full Jiang Hong" in unison, and worshiped in front of the tomb of Yue Fei and his son, igniting their reverence for the national hero。In addition, we also enjoyed the large-scale aquatic scene performance "The Most Memorable Hangzhou" directed by Zhang Yimou. The beautiful performance skillfully integrated Chinese and Western cultures and made people unforgettable。

In Liangzhu Museum and Liangzhu Ancient City Site, students learned Liangzhu culture and experienced the extensive and profound Chinese civilization of 5,000 years。

In the Canal Handicraft Exhibition Hall, teachers and students began to draw oiled paper umbrellas and experience the charm of traditional handicrafts。They also walked through Gongchen Bridge and visited the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum to understand the historical changes of the Grand Canal。

The trip to Jiaxing was also significant。The teachers and students visited the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall to review the development of the Communist Party of China and explore the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs。Next to the South Lake, the students collectively read Mr. Liang Qichao's "Young China" and felt the power of patriotism。

This cultural feast, which felt the integration of history and modernity, not only allowed students to increase their knowledge, but also deeply felt the broad and profound Chinese culture and the rapid development of modern science and technology, which added infinite motivation and inspiration for their future study and life。

Feeling of study

Bo I to the text, about me to the ceremony, teach me to benevolence, faith Huai far

In just four days, the four lines research activities of the Junior 23 Department were successfully concluded。This research activity allows all teachers and students to grow up in the journey and gain in the experience。Read tens of thousands of books, travel tens of thousands of miles, all the teachers and students of the primary 23 department go to rivers and mountains, and know and do, and do and know, wish to witness more wonderful stories and moments of growth together in the future!The study is over, but moving and thinking are still on the road for a long time:

This C23 Hangjia Study course trip makes us fully feel the "power of walking and thinking", and fully practice the "interdisciplinary integration" of "five education".。

Teachers and students jointly decode Jiangnan culture, explore smart science and technology, inherit red culture, and conduct comprehensive exploration and practice in the aspects of historical heritage, scientific and technological literacy, aesthetic awareness and patriotic education。

The High School Attached to Tsinghua University strengthens the "doctoral degree" from multiple dimensions,Broad view about taking,Knowledgeable and thoughtful,Liberal gentleman,Knowledge of natural treasures;Strengthen the integration of knowledge and action,Knowledge promotes action,Learn to think and practice enlightenment,Action is followed by action,Deep faith in the far;Strengthen the "five children",Character in student will,Value shaping,self-management,responsibility,Aesthetic establishment and innovative spirit of comprehensive guidance。

-- Cao Na, teacher of Junior 23

A city is a cultural history。During this research trip to Datong, I talked with the children about history, inquired about the past and the present, and learned about Datong from multiple angles of history and geography。In this process, the children experience the artistic feeling brought by the beauty of ancient architecture, and cultivate diversified thinking;Walking nature, visiting mountains and rivers, feel the fantastic changes of geology;The combination of knowledge and practice cultivates the ability of active thinking and perception of beauty。To lead students to "go out" and broaden their horizons, they can continue to explore and discover the world。

-- Li Yake, teacher of Junior 23

This time we went to Suzhou and Shanghai, two cities with different charm。

In Suzhou, we enjoyed the gardens, learned Kunqu opera, experienced Suzhou embroidery, and felt the charm of traditional Chinese culture。

In Shanghai, we went to the science and Technology Innovation Center, made a small robot, boarded the Marine research ship Yuanwang 1, visited the Beidou base, and felt the charm of science and technology power。

I think that if a person is to be successful, both of these charms are indispensable。In the future, I will also dabble in the relevant knowledge and activities of these two aspects, and strive to be a good young man who is "literate and martial"。

Four days, from traditional culture to modern science and technology crossing, let me feel the honor of being born in China。We have a broad and profound traditional culture, which is the basis for our development。With the progress of The Times, we have followed, forged ahead and surpassed all the way, and I seem to see the powerful dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which 1.4 billion people yearn for, gradually becoming clear。

-- C2306 Zhang Hengyi

Chang 'an City thousands of miles to Xi 'an, just meet the fog and rain。Wild goose tower on the sky, green willow each other。Song and dance played Hua Zhang, Chang 'an eternal love。Wake up and look at the sky, long rain no longer sunny。 Skilled hand born flower bread, make dragon show God。Shadow play behind the scenes, earth kiln underground。When the Yuan family met with delicious food, the cooking fire circled the pavilion。Ancient incense swing hall, garden see bamboo shadow。 Ten thousand households to open a new road, air show Xiong Ying。Silver glitter platinum, model straight up。The rain spread over the ancient wall, the wind blew on the city。Wisdom condenses on the target。 Banpo civilization, ladle bone needle tripod。The timetable is high, the instrument is quiet。View Chang 'an civilization, the long river of history is clear。铮铮报国志,为我华夏兴!

-- C2303 Bai Yuyang

Gently, with anticipation, here we come。

Suzhou, Jiangnan water town, misty rain。In the Humble Administrator's Garden, pavilions stand;Mudu ancient town, still retained;The embroider is as delicate as ever。

Say goodbye to Suzhou and go to the magic city。

Shanghai is full of tall buildings and bright lights。Widely company, machine is busy;Big meeting site, red flags flying;"Yuanwang" No. 1, riding the wind and waves;Beidou satellite, guide the way。

Gently, we went -- with the harvest。


On that day in Beijing, the sky was blue.

On that day, the cicadas in Suzhou were buzzing.

That day, we set out on a journey。

The high speed train is going fast,

The scene outside the window flies away,

Five hours flies by,

Suzhou has arrived in an instant。

In the Humble Administrator's Garden, pavilions,

It's beautiful to change the scenery!

The sun is shining, the earth is baking,

The heart of the lake, ripples。

Mudu ancient Town, small Bridges running water,

Thousands of years of vicissitudes, murmuring flow。

Needle by needle, place by place,

Su embroidery together, a paper bustling,

With the melancholy of Jiangnan water town,

With the pure expectation of the technology industry,

We came to the "magic city" Shanghai。

We see

Artificial intelligence makes life easier,

A great journey for the CCP,

"Yuanwang" series Yang Guowei,

The "Beidou" navigation indicates the direction。

We keep our feet on the ground, we look up at the stars,

We look back, we look forward to the future。

Bye, first day!May the good memories last forever;

Hello, Grade Two!I wish you a smooth journey ahead!

We are not afraid of setbacks, we are willing to challenge,

We can do anything! We can do anything!

-- C2315 Liu Xinyue

Datong is a city of Chinese traditional culture。The history of the ancient city wall is heavy, "nurturing" the charm of the intersection of ancient and modern。The green depth of the Loess Plateau, the precipitous convergence of "treasure hall piercing stone walls, surprising temple hanging in the air" into a mechanical miracle。The brackets build delicate but sturdy wooden towers。Leisurely poetry travel, diffuse Yungang;Northern Wei Buddha seal, majestic supremacy;Flying beauty, charming and graceful;Oriental treasure, Buddhist palace。Each cave is like an independent art world, telling the story of thousands of years。I believe that this "pearl outside the wall" will become more brilliant and great。

-- C2307 Lee Ben-Yi

"Each beauty has its own beauty, the beauty of the beauty, the beauty of the United States and the world.。"We came to the beautiful and pleasant Shanxi Datong。Shanxi Datong,It was once and now,A beautiful tapestry of past and future,Traditional and modern fusion,Make people want to,The ancient city wall, the beautiful and high volcanic islands, the hanging Temple, the Yungang Grottoes staring at the millennium, the mass grave that reminds us not to forget the national humiliation, and the interesting and novel experience of going down the mine...I am deeply impressed by the charm of this city!The food in Datong is also unforgettable for me,Noodles and sliced noodles are delicious。Can see the various relics left by the ancients, understand the broad and profound Chinese culture, cultivate sentiment and increase knowledge;To witness the unique charm of this city and enhance our friendship is the greatest significance of this study trip for me。

Years of ancient and modern, overlapping mountains and rivers, more than two thousand years of history gathered here, bring me unforgettable memories。

-- C2313 Ying Jia

Shanxi Datong trip, view the majestic city wall, know the wonder of the volcano。Looking up at the Yingxian wooden tower to feel its majestic standing, landing the hanging temple to feel its precarious。Mass grave site, do not forget the national humiliation;Jinhuagong mine, should recall the past。Yungang Grottoes Buddha solemn solemn, cultural bloom gorgeous;The cultural relics of the city museum are exquisite and beautiful, and the history is heavy and precipitated。

I swim great wonders, so get "breadth";I listen to the guide, and then I get "depth";I know that independent life is not easy, but also through various difficulties, the "strength", "toughness"。

"Each beauty has its own beauty, the beauty of the beauty, the beauty of the United States and the world.。"Has been at the end of research, only to get this true meaning。

-- C2313 Xia Ruoming

The journey of Datong research and learning, the ancient rhyme and modern wind complement each other。Yungang Grottoes, a thousand years of Buddha art shocked the soul, the historical vicissitudes of the profound understanding of culture。The memorial to the mass graves is a shocking historical witness。This trip not only enhanced our understanding of Chinese civilization, but also stimulated our sense of responsibility and mission to study for the rise of China。Datong, a city that inspires awe and love。

-- C2308 Bian Yaxian

On July 8, we set foot on our research trip to Hangzhou。West Lake soft beauty, Liangzhu ancient charm is long, the tea room taste the essence of culture, Hefang Street is still prosperous。Under the oil-paper umbrella to find the ancient sense, the canal leisurely witness the vicissitudes of thousands of years。This trip not only appreciated the beauty of nature, but also appreciated the beauty of humanity, and personally experienced the essence of Chinese culture left over for a long time。

-- C2317 Zhang Meiyi

A thousand miles to Chang 'an road, four classes together。Prosperous times intersect the glow, moonlight and rain very beautiful。Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties, in one fell a half slope singing。Science and technology are matched with the ancient and modern, and the thirteen imperial capitals remain for thousands of years。Today there is a poem called "Drunk", Chang 'an Avenue to go through the dynasty。It is said that four classes meet Xi 'an, visible friendship forever。 -- C2304 Feng Xiaoyi

In July, the rain covered Xi 'an, four days to see Chang 'an flowers。The Great Wall is full of fallen flowers, and the cherry color is reflected in the garden。Thirteen dynasties, see all the ancient and modern capitals。Chang 'an can be passed down through the ages, and the friendship of four classes has remained。

- C2304 Yin Yue Letter

Tour Xi 'an, see the rhyme of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the prosperous city of the Tang Dynasty, the history of eternal love, the base of aviationShock, the technology of the time center;Travel to Xi 'an's bustling places, cultural monuments and modern technology complement each other。The charm of the ancient capital is unforgettable。

-- C2304 Li Meiqing

The beautiful Xi 'an City is magnificent, and the great cause of the Heavenly Dynasty is full of greatness。Tang flower open dance style, drum tower bell sound today。

View the ancient capital, Xi 'an research and learning spirit。Today's young people visit the ancient capital, tomorrow's young people should be self-improvement。

-- C2304 Liang Yuchu

Xi 'an City, long ancient rhyme。The walls stand tall and protect the four sides。Thirteen ancient capitals set at dusk, the ancient city looks forever。

-- C2304 Lin Yuchen

Tour the old Datang and taste Shaanxi cuisine。See Banpo Xiao light, create science and technology Chang 'an。

-- C2304 CAI Yuhang

Through Chang 'an ancient rhyme long, Zhou Qin Han Tang dream Weiyang。

Explore history in the museum, dance in the ancient love。

Guanzhong folk more interesting, rubbings Huayin old cavity Yang。

The cave hides stories deep, and the people of the small village have a long charm。

Zhangjiashan dragon flying, Hujihua hamburger beside laughing。

Yuan home village in search of food, secret service team decryption busy。

Aviation dream flying, simulator before ambition。

Science and technology map great cause, youth blood spectrum Hua Zhang。

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda under Xuanzang, the lights in the city that never sleeps。

Banpo revealed the maternal world, drilling wood fire ancient technology is strong。

The time center explores the time, and the sundial makes the heaven chapter。

Four days of study harvest, culture and science and technology brilliant。

What I saw and learned, my heart was surging, and what I thought and felt was unforgettable。

Xi 'an travel, love Weiyang, ancient and modern blend dream flying。

May this heart always learn, not young and not Tang。

I would like to encourage the spirit of this trip, cultural inheritance of our generation。

-- C2302 Wang Jianor

Over the course of four days,We walked along the banks of the West Lake,Feel the combination of nature and humanity;Explore the town of Yunqi,Understanding the changes of high technology to us;Find in Liangzhu Ancient City,Listen to the origins of Chinese civilization;Visit along the South Lake of Jiaxing,Experience the journey and transformation of the Communist Party;Immersed in Hefang Street,Taste the century-old Hangzhou characteristic food;Climb the trail mountain,Practice tea ordering techniques,Express your love for the tea ceremony。During this trip, we not only gained a wealth of knowledge, but also enhanced our friendship。This study experience will be a beautiful memory for me forever。

-- C2311 Zhang Yujia

The ancient city walls thought leisurely, volcanic wonders into the eyes。A hundred years miracle Yingxian tower, a thousand years of Zhe Yin Panji temple。Tens of thousands of graves send condolences, endless history in the museum。If there is a free time now, I will return to the old place and visit again。

-- C2314 Xu Bingyao

On this trip to Hangzhou, we enjoyed the beauty of the rippling and sunlit West Lake and visited the tea garden to feel the charm of tea ceremony culture。Walking into the South Lake of Jiaxing, witness the inheritance and promotion of the red boat spirit, and enjoy the long ancient charm of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal。I am deeply aware of the charming charm and profound heritage of Hangzhou。They are not only scenic spots in Hangzhou, but also a splendid treasure of Chinese culture。This trip has benefited me a lot and made me love this beautiful land even more。

-- C2316 Zhang Zijin

Then travel Chashan, vast green wave, deep and shallow staggered;Long low mountains, commensurate with the height。It is the young leaves and the old leaves are green, the upper leaves are picked and the lower leaves are cut。

Those who order tea, the leisure of Song people also, must have half an hour, can not do it。Poetry on it, shape on it, ambition on it, its wide!After picking tea leaves, after grinding tea powder。Water boiling, melting tea to whisk, fast swing, big bubble;Slow swing, its foam flat such as fat, after six and finished。In a dish, melt the powder in water until it becomes a paste。Take a needle, dip it in paste and draw on the foam。

After the afternoon, view the city of Liangzhu。Beast face jade cong, bird pattern jade Huang。Inside and out, clear up and down。Village of more than 100 people, 5,000 years of civilization。It's not there, it's not there。How beautiful!Good for you!Five thousand years of city, five thousand years of civilization。

                                      -- C2316 Hu Qingxiang

Travel bliss, research slightly bitter, four days Hangzhou Jiaxing Road。Visit the West Lake and watch performances。Sad Liangzhu city wall covering, the Communist Party of China is located in the south Lake。 Come, science and technology;Go, tech assistant。                                           

-- C2317 Redxuan

Hangjia research is magnificent!The tide is coming like a rainbow。Gongchen ten Zhangs frame river, West Lake Wan Qingying blue robinia。Painting oiled paper umbrella sprinkled red purple, tea play point green white。But sigh only have to stay four days, but make this poem still regret。

-- C2317 Pan Lefan

A few days of departure, more than two thousand miles, and even the historic Qiantang, visit the temple of Yue Wang, Huai will rebut the rape, the central West Lake, the path of the mountain view of tea, listen to the spring to find the land, tea。Five thousand years of history, grain jade wall, go leisurely。 180 miles away, the boat of revolution, the pond of dawn。Past river square, today's town, like to see the coming days。Holding an umbrella on the Gongchen, see the north of Henan, dare to ask where。Looking for a good scene in the future, the most memorable is Hangzhou。

-- C2317 Li Taiyan

Planning | Administrative Management Center

Text | Wang Ziyan et al

Photo credit: | Grade 2

审核|Zhang JieYang Rui Cen Yifei Zhang Xiaoqiong and Zhou Xiaoling

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