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| Wang Dianjun, President of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, was re-elected as the third Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Next Generation Education Foundation

Release time: 2020-12-18 Author: Hits:

| Wang Dianjun, President of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, was re-elected as the third Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Next Generation Education Foundation

On December 18, 2020, the summary meeting of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the China Next Generation Education Foundation was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse。Gu Xiulian, Vice Chairman of the 10th National People's Congress Standing Committee, Director of the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation of China, Founding President of the China Next Generation Education Foundation,Zheng Fuzhi, member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Education, Vice Minister and General Superintendent of the Ministry of Education,Tian Shulan, Vice president of the Foundation and chairman of the first Board of Directors,Wang Ping, Chairman of the second Council,Wang Weiguo, Chairman of the third Council,China Customs Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Civil Affairs and other relevant leaders,Some representatives of the provincial Customs and Work Committee and the education system Customs and Work Committee, related brother units, foundation directors, supervisors, members of the expert committee, as well as fund project leaders, donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and other representatives attended the conference。The conference was presided over by Ju Ping, host of the China Media Group。

Council of change

On the day of the conference, the China Next Generation Education Foundation held a new board of directors。Wang Dianjun, the second Vice chairman, the principal of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University and the director of the China Talent Development Fund, was re-elected as the vice chairman of the third Council of the China Next Generation Education Foundation。

Council of change

Wang Dianjun and Gu Xiulian photo

Speech by student representatives

Hu Zhanwei, the first selected student of our Foundation's "China Talent Training Program", spoke at the meeting as a representative of the project beneficiaries. He shared his changes, progress and status quo after being selected into the project, and expressed his gratitude and enterprising intention of striving for success and living up to expectations on behalf of the beneficiaries。

The China Talent Development Fund's "China Talent Development Programme" has been implemented for eight consecutive years,From 61 poor counties in the country, 320 relatively poor students have been selected to participate in the integrated training of Tsinghua Affiliated High School for five consecutive years,A total of 1795 people attended the event,160 students have graduated,Some of the outstanding students were admitted to Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tongji University, Zhejiang University and other well-known universities。

Hu Zhanwei spoke

Hu Zhanwei and Tian Shulan

Hu Zhanwei and Wang Dianjun group photo

Tian Shulan, vice president of the Foundation and chairman of the first Council, read out the instructions made by Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of The State Council, on the 10th anniversary of the foundation at the conference, Sun Chunlan fully affirmed the achievements of the foundation and put forward high hopes。Then, the Minister of Education Chen Baosheng read out the instructions on the 10th anniversary of the foundation, and Comrade Chen Baosheng said that the Ministry of Education will continue to support the work of China Next Generation Education Foundation。

Tian Shulan read the instructions of the leader

Gu Xiulian, Vice chairman of the 10th NPC Standing Committee, director of the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation of China and founding president of the China Next Generation Education Foundation, delivered a speech at the meeting。她指出,中国下一代教育基金会的工作要坚持以习近平总书记关于教育事业、关于公益慈善事业、关于关心下一代工作的重要论述为指导,认真总结10年经验,更好把握特点规律,精心描绘未来愿景,把工作提高到一个新水平。It is necessary to firmly establish the people-centered development thought, adhere to the new development concept to lead the next generation of education and public welfare undertakings, and build a new pattern of development of the next generation of education and public welfare undertakings with stronger and better measures。It is necessary to build a new platform and brand for public welfare services, firmly position the function of "facing the next generation and doing a good job in education public welfare", highlight the key points and create characteristics, and promote the next generation of education public welfare into institutions, communities, enterprises, and grassroots, and innovate and develop in inheritance。It is necessary to form a strong synergy of public welfare and charity, adhere to the concept of great public welfare and great charity, continue to expand the scope of the campaign, increase the number of participants, and benefit more children, and effectively enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security。

Gu Xiulian speaks

In his speech, Zheng Fuzhi fully affirmed the important role played by the China Next Generation Education Foundation for the healthy growth of the next generation in the three fields of family education, preschool education and after-school education in the past ten years, and warmly congratulated the foundation on its tenth anniversary。He hopes,The Foundation earnestly implements the requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee on education and charity work,Accurately grasp the dual attributes of "education" and "charity",To the "14th Five-Year Plan" education new situation and new tasks and the people's new demand for quality and fair education,Make new plans;Combined with the new requirements of the new era,Focus on vulnerable groups and weak links,Build a new brand;Give full play to the strengths of public welfare organizations,Especially the unique advantages of the old comrades,Adhere to problem orientation,To build a new bridge between family, school and society。He stressed that local education departments and schools should incorporate the work of the education system customs work Committee and the Foundation's education poverty alleviation project into the work plan, provide convenient conditions for the selection and implementation of foundation public welfare projects, smooth operation channels, and jointly promote the healthy growth of the next generation。

Zheng Fuzhi spoke

Wang Ping, chairman of the second Council, made a summary of the tenth anniversary of "Adhering to the original Heart and casting Love for Ten years" to the society。The summary reviewed the foundation's footsteps and achievements in the past ten years, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and explained that the foundation has always focused on the purpose of public welfare, constantly innovated charity concepts, and actively cooperated with the government to carry out the fundamental tasks of poverty alleviation and moral education。End up,Facing new situations, new tasks and new challenges,The work and career development of the China Foundation for Next Generation Education stands at a new historical starting point,Do not forget to educate people, uphold the purpose of public welfare,To promote the healthy growth of young people as the focus,We will continue to enhance our ability to raise funds,Improve the effectiveness of project implementation,Lead the public welfare trend,Truly send the care and warmth of the Party to the children,To build a strong education country to gather strong social forces,Write a new chapter in China's next generation education and public welfare undertakings!

Wang Ping made a summary of the tenth anniversary

Wang Weiguo, chairman of the third Council, said in his speech,第三届理事会全体理事将坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,On the development path of the next generation of educational public welfare undertakings that the older generation has worked hard to pave,Stand at a new starting point,Meet new expectations,Under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Civil Affairs,With the strong support of the community,With a firm political attitude, we will take on the responsibility and mission of nurturing new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,We will inherit and carry forward the valuable practices and experience left by the two Council terms with perseverance,Based on the new journey, we will continue to organize and carry out the work of the Foundation,To build a powerful education country and promote the innovation and development of the next generation of educational public welfare, write a pen worthy of The Times。

Wang Weiguo made a speech

随后,Ju Ping, the moderator of the conference, and Yang Li, Executive Deputy Director of the Department of Education of Yunnan Province,PI Junlin, executive deputy Director of the Department of Education, Guizhou Province,Zhu Ruixing, deputy director of Laogan Bureau of Qinghai Province and Secretary General of the Customs Work Committee,Lv Hesheng, Director of Customs Work Committee of Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, and Wu Shengmei, Executive director of Customs Work Committee of Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, five project implementation unit representatives,From the aspects of project landing, organization, scientific implementation and implementation effect, we shared with you the changes and perceptions after the implementation of projects with the foundation in the past ten years in the form of interviews。

Representatives of the project implementation unit shared their insights

Finally, Gu Xiulian, Vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress, director of the Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, and founding president of the China Next Generation Education Foundation, presented the medal of "National Advanced Collective for Caring for the Next Generation" awarded by the China Customs and Communication Commission and the Central Civilization Office。

Gu Xiulian presented the Advanced Collective medal to the Foundation

Group photo after the meeting

Text: China Next Generation Education Foundation, Jicheng

Photo: China Next Generation Education Foundation

Audit: Party Shengjun Wu Xinsheng Yang Rui

Source: China Talent Development Fund

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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