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The teachers and students of the 14th grade "Into the Yuanmingyuan" research group of the Junior High School attached to Tsinghua University visited the Forbidden City

Release time: 2015-05-21 Author: Hits:

The teachers and students of the 14th grade "Into the Yuanmingyuan" research group of the Junior High School attached to Tsinghua University visited the Forbidden City

On May 21, the teachers and students of the 14th grade "Into the Yuanmingyuan" research group of the Junior High School Attached to Tsinghua University went to the Palace Museum to visit and study. The research group invited Guo Mexia, director of the Education Department of the Palace Museum Publicity, and experts and scholars of the Palace Museum to carry out in-depth communication and exchanges with students。A total of more than 60 students and teachers participated in the activity。

The school-based course of "Entering the Old Summer Palace" enters the third stage of "Thinking about the Old Summer Palace". Students are divided into reading group, management group, performance group, construction group, heating group and Western Mansions group to carry out special research。In this activity, a total of 5 groups went to the Palace Museum to learn。

Mr. Yuan Hongqi, a senior research expert from the Imperial Palace Department, explained to the teachers and students of the reading group about how the emperor read, how the emperor's policy of governing the country is closely related to the education he received, and the influence of the imperial teacher on the emperor's ruling the country。After the lecture, the students raised deep questions, such as the emperor's reading is the study of both Manchu and Chinese, how the Manchu people balance between their own nationality and Han culture, and how they understand this cultural difference。Teacher Yuan said that the Manchu rule, deeply understand the state Anbang must have a deeper understanding of the Han culture than the Han people, in order to truly achieve effective rule, the education of the emperor is also rooted in the need for governance。Yuan teacher to the children's serious thinking expressed full affirmation and encouragement。

Reading group discussion exchange

Teacher Wang Wentao led the heating group,I mainly visited the Palace of Ningshou,Compare the architectural pattern of Ningshou Palace,Mr. Wang took the students to imagine the beautiful scenery of the hall,The Ningshou Palace and Hanjing Hall are introduced one by one,From the architectural design of the palace to its function,From the life of imperial concubines to the service of maids in the palace,Every detail,engrossing。The students listened carefully and learned a lot。Wang's teaching focuses on heating。During the tour of the Ningshou Palace,He kept guiding the students to the burning pits in front and back of the palace,To introduce students to the palace heating system,You can see here how the ovens heated the palace,The students also learned about the various ways to keep warm in the palace,The students also went to several palaces that were not open, such as the Fuwang Pavilion,Learn to feel the earth kang and warm pavilion in the palace。Finally, Wang Wentao explained the structure of the floor furnace and the related heating methods to the students, and the students also put forward their own questions。Everyone said it was very rewarding and helpful to our research。

Led by Zhao Peng, a researcher from the Ancient Architecture Group of the Palace Museum, the teachers and students of the Architecture Group visited the Ningshou Palace area built by Emperor Qianlong for his retirement。Based on his years of experience in the protection and renovation of ancient buildings, Mr. Zhao introduced the basic elements and distinctive characteristics of ancient Chinese buildings in a lively way, and gave detailed explanations on their large wooden structures, brick work, stone carving, and color paintings。In Ningshou Palace Garden (Qianlong Garden), Teacher Zhao Peng explained the characteristics of imperial garden architecture through the layout of the courtyard, architectural shape, detail design, cultural implications and other aspects。随后,Teacher Ni Ruifeng led the students to visit the Imperial Garden at the northernmost end of the central axis of the Forbidden City,Experience the similarities and differences between it and Yuanmingyuan in gardening techniques,Then it crosses the central axis from north to south,Enjoy the majesty of the main building of the Forbidden City,Finally, the visit to the Palace Museum in the form of special, unique royal library Wenyuan Pavilion as the end,It has the same function and similar shape as Wenyuan Pavilion in Yuanmingyuan,Let the students have an intuitive experience of "what the architecture of the Old Summer Palace looks like"。

The administration team was taught by the director of the Ministry of Education personally. She first let the children get the map and then began to visit the following scenic spots: the Cabinet Lobby, the Cabinet Letter Room, the Taihe Gate, the Qianqing Gate, the Military Aircraft Office, and the Jingyun Gate, and had a preliminary understanding of their functions。Gather at the Arrow Pavilion at a fixed time, sit on the floor, and begin to study and discuss。In combination with the scenic spots they saw, Director Guo specifically introduced the development and specific functions of these consultative places, and focused on the issue of the memorial that the children were interested in, and shared his collection of books and a part of the photocopied materials of the memorial for students to discuss。The atmosphere of the students' study was relaxed and active, and during the visit and discussion, they had a further understanding of many issues concerning the emperor's place of administration and the use of memorials。

Heating, Building and Administration teams (left to right) started activities

Led by Mr. Liu Guoliang from the Court Department of the Palace Museum, the performance group visited the three-floor stage of Changyin Pavilion in Ningshou Palace, the indoor stage of Jianqin Zhai, the Qianlong Garden and Shenwu Gate。Through Teacher Liu's careful explanation and on-site guidance, we understood the development of opera activities in Qing Dynasty palace, stage structure, frequently performed plays and ceremonial functions。Opera activities in the palace in the Qing Dynasty not only had the function of entertainment, but also played a variety of functions as a form of etiquette, such as diplomacy, giving gifts, festivals and so on。Students asked a lot of questions about the Royal performance。

The performance group visited and studied

After the event, the students said that it was very rewarding to have in-depth exchanges with the Palace Museum experts, especially in the form of field visits, which promoted a real understanding of history, an experience that could not be felt in the ruins of the Old Summer Palace, and was a very rare learning opportunity。

Pictures and texts: Wang Min, Ma Honghong

Li Bingqing, Gu Feng

Ni Ruifeng

Review: Korean Star

Edit: Archives Room

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