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Tsinghua Jinfan Chinese Orchestra won the gold medal of the 9th Hollywood Angel Cup International Art Competition in the United States

Release time: 2018-02-18 Author: Hits:

Tsinghua Jinfan Chinese Orchestra won the gold medal of the 9th Hollywood Angel Cup International Art Competition in the United States

West Coast of the United States local time from February 5 to 18, 2018,Tsinghua High School Affiliated Jinfan Folk Orchestra with 47 members,Under the leadership of Vice Principal Zhao Hongyan, Jinfan Orchestra Office Director Hu Jun and dance instructor Zhao Qian,Went to Los Angeles to participate in the "North America 14th Chinese Spring Festival Gala" performance,Held "Realizing the Chinese Dream in the Great Field of Hope - Tsinghua Jinfan Chinese Orchestra Visiting Tsinghua Students Special Ethnic Concert"。He won the Gold Medal for performance in the "2018 Hollywood Angel Cup International Art Competition"。

Teacher Hu Jun conducted the orchestra to participate in the opening performance of the "14th Chinese Spring Festival Gala in North America"

Tsinghua High School Affiliated Jinfan Chinese Orchestra received a golden flag (Front right: Vice President Zhao Hongyan)

The North American Chinese Spring Festival Gala is a very influential cultural event for Chinese Americans, held every year in Los Angeles。The theme of the 2018 North American Chinese Gala, "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up," was performed at the PCC University Theater on Feb. 10。At the invitation of Chinese Spring Festival Gala Organizing Committee,The Jinfan Chinese Orchestra of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University opened the gala,The performance of teacher Hu Jun specially created for the theme of the Spring Festival Gala, "Realize the Chinese Dream on the Field of Hope", a folk music ensemble,The work consists of several parts, such as "On the Field of Hope", "Roll Up your Sleeves and work Hard" and "Chinese Dream Waltz",It is especially worth mentioning that the melody of "Chinese Dream Waltz" is mainly developed from the melody of the patriotic song "There would be no New China without the Communist Party",It highlights the leadership of the Party and the characteristics of China's development,The music won enthusiastic applause from the audience。In order to express their gratitude, the Spring Festival Gala organizing department presented the Golden Fan Chinese Orchestra with the title of "Spread the Chinese Youth Spirit in Huaxia Huangzhong Da Lu Exhibition". The orchestra leader Wang Dianjun and Vice President Bai Xuefeng won the Gala group's commendation certificate at the same time。

Vice President Zhao Hongyan (2nd from right) talks with Tsinghua alumnus Zhang Sujiu (2nd from left) (left photo);Performance with the North American Tsinghua Alumni Choir led by Zhang Kequn (right photo)

On February 11, at 14:30 PM, the Orchestra and Tsinghua University Southern California Alumni Art Troupe jointly held "Realizing the Chinese Dream in the Field of Hope - Tsinghua Jinfan Chinese Orchestra of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University to Visit Tsinghua Students in a Special Ethnic Concert" at the Art Performance Center of SAN Antonio University in Los Angeles.。Tsinghua students from both sides of the Strait gathered together to "learn, ask no questions about the west and East" and "politics, regardless of North and South" to wish the Chinese people around the world a happy holiday。

Vice President Zhao Hongyan (right) delivers a speech at the concert "Realizing the Chinese Dream on the Field of Hope"

The concert consists of four parts,In the first part, "Fragrance",The orchestra specially played "Harvest Festival" for students of Hsinchu Tsinghua University.,The works reflect the life of the Gaoshan people in Taiwan;The Classical dance "Collecting Wei" by Zhao Qian, Chinese young dancer and dance teacher of Tsinghua High School,The traditional Peking Opera Farewell My Concubine, sung by Wang Dongyu, winner of China's "Small Plum Blossom Award" and erhu player of the Jinfan Folk Orchestra of Tsinghua High School Attached to It, highlights the depth of Chinese intangible cultural heritage。

"Realizing the Chinese Dream on the Field of Hope" Special concert Zhang Yingjie recited "Sketch of Tsinghua Attached High School"

In the concert of "Realizing the Chinese Dream on the Field of Hope" Teacher Zhao Qian performs the dance "Collecting Wei"

In the second part, "Diverse style", the orchestra performed two foreign classic works, "Mission Impossible" and "Flight of the Wild Bee" adapted by teacher Hu Jun, highlighting the academic spirit of "no questions asked" in Qing Hua。The third part, "National Feelings", presented the audience with a group of patriotic works created by the orchestra: "Tsinghua High School Sketch - Respect", "The Flag of our Fathers will always Fly in the South China Sea", composed by Hu Jun and composed by Hu Yan, and the theme song of the concert "Realizing the Chinese Dream in the Great Field of Hope", which won warm applause from the audience。Then in the fourth part, the alumni of Tsinghua University Southern California Alumni Art Troupe presented the audience with a chorus of classic works such as "Karinka" and "Croatian Rhapsody"。Four generations of Tsinghua people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait shared the stage to jointly perform the spirit of Tsinghua and sing the future of the motherland, Tsinghua old alumni and American overseas Chinese leader Zhang Suqiu and other teachers spoke highly of the concert, Xinhua News Agency and various news organizations in North America gave positive reports, and won a good social response。

Wang Dongyu performs Peking Opera Farewell My Concubine at the Concert "Realizing the Chinese Dream in the Field of Hope"

In addition to the performance, the orchestra also participated in the "2018 Hollywood Angel Cup International Art Competition" and won the performance gold medal, Vice Principal Zhao Hongyan, teacher Hu Jun and Teacher Zhao Qian respectively won the tutor award。

The orchestra participated in the "2018 Hollywood Angel Cup International Competition"

The Orchestra won the "2018 Hollywood Angel Cup International Competition Performance Gold Medal" (second from the right is the orchestra conductor Mr. Hu Jun)

"Love the country, love the Party, love the people, and spread Chinese traditional music culture in the world" is the code of association of Tsinghua Jinfan Chinese Orchestra。16 years since founding the mission,The teachers and students of the orchestra have great love for the culture of national music,Adhering to Tsinghua University's "self-improvement, moral commitment" philosophy,遵循习近平主席“在文艺工作座谈会上的讲话”精神,Covering nearly a quarter of a million kilometers,More than 110 visits, special performances, sympathy and community performances were organized,It presented China's excellent traditional music culture to nearly 200,000 Chinese and foreign listeners。

As part of the education series of "Making a Golden Sail Man, casting the soul of the Nation", the orchestra office arranges players to participate in competitions and exchange activities every holiday, with the purpose of urging new students to strengthen technical practice, increase cooperation awareness, and accumulate performance experience。During the summer vacation, the office of the orchestra began to plan and contact this series of performance competition activities in the United States. During the winter vacation, the teachers and students of the orchestra conducted three days of intense training regardless of the rest and successfully completed the task。

Source: Chinese Orchestra Office

Written by: Hu Jun

Photography is by Li Yuer and Hu Jun

Review: Zhao Hongyan

Edit: Archives Room

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