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Pay attention to sleep, healthy life -- Zhang Fuyao Li Zhixuan

Release time: 2023-05-22 Author: Hits:

Dear teachers and dear students,

Hello, everyone。The theme of the speech under our flag is "Sleep, Healthy Life."。

Zhang: March 21 is the International Sleep Day。Sleep is an important part of our health, and the purpose of this day is to draw attention to the importance and quality of sleep。According to a Sleep Research report released by the Chinese Sleep Research Society, more than 300 million people in China currently have sleep disorders, which shows that sleep problems are widespread and serious。We should attach importance to developing good sleeping habits。

Li: When you sleep, you alternate between non-REM sleep and REM sleep, which is called a sleep cycle that lasts 90 to 110 minutes。Healthy sleep usually requires four to five sleep cycles per night。Studies have pointed out that non-REM sleep has great benefits for the body's cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, energy balance and immunity。This kind of sleep also helps us memorize the information we input during the day。Even more scholars have pointed out that non-REM sleep allows the adolescent brain to mature。Rem sleep also has many benefits。Most of our dreams occur during REM sleep。Studies have shown that dreaming not only helps us defuse painful emotional burdens, but also improves our creativity and problem-solving skills。According to legend, the Russian chemist Mendeleev drew the first periodic table of elements in his sleep, the German chemist Kekule was inspired by the dream and proposed the idea of the molecular structure of benzene, and the American Elias Howe was also inspired to invent the sewing machine in his dream。Therefore, if you work hard and sleep carefully, you may be able to get a shocking discovery in your sleep one day。

Zhang: An individual's lack of sleep is not only bad for himself, but also has a bad impact on society。Lack of sleep can reduce a person's efficiency at work and study, which makes him need more time to complete tasks, which in turn leads to less sleep, creating a vicious cycle。In school, many students have encountered the situation of being tired and unable to attend classes normally。If you do not listen well in class, it will be difficult to do homework, resulting in less time for rest。This is also a manifestation of the vicious circle。Lack of sleep can make people grumpy or depressed, so a general lack of sleep can worsen a good social atmosphere。Lack of sleep can also lead to a number of serious illnesses and raise the chances of Alzheimer's later in life。Personal mistakes caused by lack of sleep have even led to major disasters, such as the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Valdez oil spill。

Li: As a middle school student, keeping a good sleep is good for your health, and can improve your academic performance and create a good campus atmosphere。So, how can we sleep well and sleep soundly?Here are my suggestions: First, stick to a regular sleep schedule;Second, exercise more during the day, but not within two or three hours of going to bed;Third, spend more time in the sun during the day and don't look at your mobile phone。Fourth, one and a half hours before bed, drink a small amount of water to moisten the throat。In addition, nap can relieve fatigue, maintaining a long nap of 20 to 30 minutes on the afternoon mental state will be greatly improved, long-term nap habit is also conducive to improve memory, a lot of benefits。

Zhang: Finally, I wish the students eat well, exercise well, sleep well and improve their academic performance!

Li: That's the end of our speech. Thank you, teachers and students!

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