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Learning, thinking and Practicing the 20 Spirit of the Party -- the Youth League Branch of the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University carried out the theme of "Feeling Extraordinary Achievements and gathering striving force"

Release Time: 2022-11-17 Author: Hits:

The grand blueprint is slowly rolled out, and the great journey is inspiring。The Party's 20th National Congress has written a historical answer to The Times。In order to let the students learn and practice the spirit of the Party's 20 major, actively create a strong propaganda atmosphere, create a "big ideological and political" pattern, clarify the requirements of the new era and new journey for young people, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and concentrate on building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the second centennial goal。On November 10 and 17, 2022, the Youth League Committee of the Affiliated Middle School of Tsinghua University organized the Youth League branch of the senior high School to carry out the theme of "Feeling Extraordinary Achievements and gathering striving Force", and a total of 33 Youth League branches participated in the activities in Senior one and Senior two。

High 2111 study the party's 20 spirit theme day activities

High 2212 study the Party's 20 spirit theme day activities

High 2213 study the Party's 20 spirit theme day activities

High 2109 study the Party's 20 spirit theme day activities

This theme day around the "learning, propaganda and implementation of the Party's 20 spirit" started,Under the guidance of the docent of each league branch,The students studied deeply the connotation of the report of the Party's 20th National Congress,理解了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化最新成果,It is the crystallization of the practical experience and collective wisdom of the Party and the people,It is an important component of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is the action guide for the whole Party and the whole people to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。We have understood the five characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of "Chinese-style modernization"。It has a deep understanding of the Party and the state's concern, expectations and requirements for young people, and has clarified the responsibilities and missions of young people in the new era。The students looked back at the brilliant achievements of the past and looked forward to the bright future in the active exchanges and interactions。

Some classes learn the poster works of the Party's 20 spirit theme Youth League day

Great achievements encourage people to forge ahead and strengthen confidence to open the future。The great journey of the future requires that we aspire to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships and are willing to struggle。Students have said,We must put the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress into study and life practice,Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,United under the banner of the Party as a "solid piece of steel",Heart to a place to think, strength to a place to make,Strengthen confidence and be of one mind,Keep your head down and keep moving forward,Step by step, we put the major decisions and arrangements made at the Party's 20th National Congress into action and saw results,Work together to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

With students' impressions

Gao 2112 He Zhi with the same feeling: In the theme day, we carefully studied the report of the Party's 20th National Congress and deeply understood the Chinese modernization。When we study Marxist philosophy, we learn that contradiction has universality and particularity, in which universality resides in particularity, and particularity cannot be separated from universality。In this way, only by fully understanding the essential laws of historical development and fully understanding and combining with the actual national conditions of our country can we find the correct line to build a great modern socialist country。

High 2213 Chen Jiaqi impressions: This activity let me fully understand the main content of the Party's 20th National Congress report, understand the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress。As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, we must learn to publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congresses and work with passion to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

高2216陈思宇感想:我们要紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义的伟大旗帜,弘扬伟大的建党精神。Feel extraordinary achievements, gather extraordinary strength, and fly the youth ideal in practice。

Text: Ren Xingyanggao 2206 Xu Kaixin

Photo: Organization Department

Review: Dang Shengjun Li Shuxia Yang Rui

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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